We’re here to meet you, wherever you are on your fertility journey.
Dr. Brita Reed, MD, PsyD, MTS
Alison Reed MA, MPH
Fertility counseling is for you! Perhaps you are thinking about whether you would like to have children now or in the future. Or not at all! Fertility counseling can help you understand how being a parent would impact your life. Being a parent is a major life decision and fertility counseling can help you determine if it fits with your life-goals and values. Perhaps you are trying to get pregnant and having challenges. Fertility counseling can help you understand what you value which will help you make better decisions that align your goals during fertility treatment. Perhaps you are pregnant and are anxious about the pregnancy. Perhaps you are worried about miscarrying or genetic problems with the baby. Or worried about labor and delivery and what that experience will be like. Fertility counseling can help you to better understand your worries and concerns. It can even help you find the joy that exists in bringing a child into the world! Our fertility therapists have helped thousands of people with these concerns. We are well-trained in all aspects of fertility. In fact, Dr. Reed is an OBGYN who has delivered thousands of babies! Fertility counseling is for you! We would be honored to walk with you on your fertility journey.
Our practice has certified fertility therapists who are extremely knowledgeable about all aspects of reproduction and fertility issues. A certified fertility therapist is a therapist who has completed training specifically in family building. Our practice has certified fertility therapists who are extremely knowledgeable about all aspects of reproduction and fertility issues.
Our therapists are certified by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM.org).
ASRM.org is a nonprofit, multidisciplinary organization for the advancement of the science and practice of reproductive medicine and has its headquarters in Washington, D.C. Certification as a reproductive therapist by ASRM requires many hours of study in aspects of fertility treatment. Examples of coursework required for certification include mental health counseling for people who are utilizing donor eggs and/or donor sperm in their fertility treatment.
Our therapists also teach other therapists about how to best help people on a fertility journey. Dr. Reed has taught therapists in Georgia through the Georgia Psychological Association (gapsychology.org), as well as therapists in Vermont through the Vermont Psychological Association (vermontpsych.org). In addition, she has taught psychiatrists about best practices of psychotherapy for their fertility patients through the American Academy of Psychodynamic Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis (AAPDPP.org)

Navigate Through Your Journey With Dr. Reed’s New Books!
*Available in Paperback or Kindle/Digital version*
Our Services:
Individual/Couples Therapy
Virtual Psychotherapy Groups
Virtual Support Groups
Connect with us through our podcast:
Welcome to “IVF, WTF?! Fertility for Real Life,” the candid and compassionate podcast that explores the rollercoaster journey of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and fertility struggles. Join us as we delve into the world of fertility treatments, sharing real-life stories, expert insights, and invaluable advice for those of us facing similar challenges.
Latest articles from our blog:
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It's also a story about me now - a psychotherapist who counsels women who are having difficulty getting pregnant. My psychotherapy practice focuses on women in their late 30s and early 40s with infertility issues who are undergoing IVF to become pregnant. Many of these women go to the reproductive endocrinologist for IVF late in their reproductive life and, by the time these women present to me for psychotherapy, they have often undergone several failed cycles of IVF. Needless to say, they are devastated.
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